After procrastinating for way too long, I finally posted some pictures of Latvia and the convention! Hope y'all enjoy them



After going through most of my photos yesterday, I'm started to post some! For now I'm just posting pics of Switzerland, Latvia pics soon to come. Hope you enjoy looking through all the galleries!



As we speak I'm sitting in the Helsinki airport waiting our connecting flight to JFK. It was such a blessing to meet and associate with our prescious bro/sis from around the world! I'm going to miss them all! And what tearful hug filled goodbye. To all my Latvian bro/sis, I miss you and I can't wait to visit again! And my new friends I've made around the world I hope to continue to keep in touch and visit you aswell =) I'm filled with so much joy and feel spiritually and emotionally invigorated. This special convention has help me to reevaluate my current goals and help me set new ones too. Anyways next time you from me I'll be back in the states! I can't wait to share more of my experiences with y'all on this blog and possible in person =)

Sending much love!



What a wonderful, beautiful, amazing time we all have been having here in Latvia! Man, JH sure knows how to provide and bless his people! The local brothers have been so hospitable and they have been working very hard the last serval months to get things ready for us! it's so beautiful to be here with all the bro/sis from around the world =) very encouraging! I've been meeting so many people & making many new friends! I'm going to be very sad to leave on Tuesday. Anyways here's a few pictures....

This is where we started our walking tour! The house of the blackheads is what what this building is called.
This sister giving the tour gave me a job! Before our tour they had me hold the "starting point" sign!
Powder tower, from the waking tour
The Latvia bethel!
Riga from the 27th floor of a building
Kavas, yummmmmmmmmmm
Convention center!
Another warm welcome from the from the amazing Latvian bothers and sisters!
I've been sitting with the local Sign language congregations at the convention!

So other it being very hot and humid, I have been have the absolute time of my life! And as someone who spent two years in American Sign Language, I find the local Latvian/Russian sign language interesting! It has been wonderful to associate with the local deaf bro/sis. I was also surprised to find out Latvian sign language is close to ASL. I don't need to listen to the English translation because I understand enough Latvian sign language!

I can also tell you that my Russian is improving! I still have a VERY VERY long way to go, but talking with the local Russian bro/sis has definetly helped ;)

So that's all I got for now, this convention is taking it all out of me! I come back to the hotel and all in want to do is sleep! But it's most definetly worth it =) and to every one reading this blog, thank you soooooo very much! I can't believe how many people have actually been visiting/reading it! I very much appreciate it, and hope you enjoy reading it too =)

Send my love from Latvia!



please if we can keep all comments positive and up building that would be wonderful! This blog is to be encouraging and upbuilding for those that read it, so if people could post comments that are the same I would much appreciated. Any negative comments will be deleted. Hope you all understand!

Just so ya know, y'all have been doing a AWESOME job at this!

Much love!


Riga sunset

Tonight some friends and I were siting at a restaurant in old town Riga when a couple of deaf people and some of their family/friends sat at the table next to us. I was very excited to see this because I know American Sign Language. After a quick prayer to Jehovah I went up to their table and started signing to them. Unfortunately they didn't understand ASL and I didn't understand Latvian Sign Language BUT one English speaking lady in the group translated for us. The asked "Why are you in Riga?" and "Why are so many people dressed so nice and wearing badges like yours?". I explained that we were all Jehovah's Witnesses and this weekend in Riga there is a special convention taking place and people from different countries around the world were invited to attend. I handed them invite, but as it turns out one of them had already received the invite! I personally invited them again and informed them that the program would be translated in sing language. They said that they hope to see me again before I leave and wish all of us a safe & happy trip in Riga! Though they never said they would be coming to convention, I hope and pray that they are able to attend a little bit of the program! And if not, at least they were given a good witness!


So have two long hot days in Milan, Italy we finally made it to the specail convention city Riga, Latvia! We were greeted by some if the local brothers and sisters and given so MANY HUGS! I can defiantly feel the warm love of JH organization!

The local bro/sis meeting us at the airport gates!
At the hotels they have info desk set up ran by the local bro/sis! They help us out when we need it and the gave this wonderful lil goodie bags....
Here's our goodie bags! In side they have: 1) a map of Riga 2) a welcome letter from the local branch 3) pen with "Riga Latvia special convention" on the side 4) candies !! 5) a book mark with the bible reading schedule for the year!

The hotal were is SUPER nice! And were just a shirt walk from the old town area. Tomorrow I'll be taking the 1st of 3 tours, the walking tour of old town Riga! I promis you many pics from that!

Sending you lots of love from my self and the local brothers and sisters!



Oh my goodness...... I completely miss Switzerland! It's so hot here in Italy!!!! I think I'm gonna melt! After a full day of train travel and getting lost in the Milan train station we finally made it our place in Bergamo.  Anyways the train ride to the switzerland bored was absolutely beautiful! But the ride from the border to Bergamo... Eh not so much. Just imagine an old school bus but on train tracks, that's what it was like! but we made it, tomorrow we plan to just chill and relax before we take of to Latvia. 

Unfortunately we don't have Internet at our place (im currently standing in front of some persons house on their unlocked wifi haha) so I won't be able to update anything more until we get to Latvia on Monday. so I'll update y'all then!


Well today is our last day in Switzerland *tear* tomorrow morning at 7:30 sharpe we take off to Milan, Italy. Today I ended up sticking around Estavayer La-Lac. Had a very nice relaxing day, chilled out, and walked around town

Yesterday we visited Bern, it's a LARGE bustling city in the northern part Switzerland. I loved the atmosphere, there was always something going on! There was street performers on almost every corner, huge crowds, and and out door market!

Here's a view of old town Bern with a back drop of the Alps!
Bears are a big thing in Bern. The even have a free bear park you can visit!
Hey this building has chocolate on it ;) (ya might have to zoom in for a closer look)
My poor feet were sore after several days of walking & it was waaaay to hot for me in Bern. I've never been so happy to stick my feet in water my whole life!
I found this cute little comic shop and was able to pick up TINTIN in both French and German!

Before we left Bern, we were able to attend a local Russian meeting! It was so absolutely encouraging to meet with the local bros/sis. What a privilege to see our brother hood in different parts if the world!

Here's a pic of the inside. The have the these cool card with on one side and the QR code on the other!

I have some more pics if the congregation I want to post but I need to get them from Miss Brandi Miller first. Hopefully soon I'll have them up! But I need to get some rest, long day ahead tomorrow.... Next time you hear from hopefully I'm in Italy!



Today we travled 3 ½ hours north Gimmelwald. It's this tiny little village  with perfect view of the mountains! We had to ride a bug cable car to get up there. We walked around town for awhile, took TONS of pics, and ate lunch with a local kitty cat. He totally stole part if my croissant! ;)

Here is them glorious mountains!
This is Rupert. He likes the Swiss alps ;D
Aaaand heres the kitty making off with part of lunch today...
When checking out the hostel in Gimmelwald, we found a lil but of Portland, OR!
This may look like a normal slide, But trust me IT'S THE BEST SLIDE IN THE WHOLE OF SWITZERLAND! I RODE IT LIKE 5 BILLION TIMES. I want to go back just for the slide ;)
My favorite pic from Gimmelwald

We were going to hike today, but the time we walked around town we were just too tired! But Friday were gonna travel up to the area again hike as well as explore Murren. Tomorrow we will explore Bern a little bit. Anyways, sorry for the late update! I hope to post more soon!
